Fires Area Of Affect
6/26/2020 (Permalink)
Fire damage is devastating, this is a known fact. What’s not widely known is that when there is a large fire, there will also certainly be water damage as well. The reason for this is when the fire department responds to a large fire and spray the fire down with a fire hose they soak the entire property and materials within. Not many people consider this but every time the fire department is involved, there will be fire and water damage which in turn can cause mold growth if left for a long period of time. In most of these cases this requires the property to be completely demoed to be serviced and restored. This can be further complicated by lead and asbestos possibly being in buildings that are quite old requiring testing and proper chemical protection to be serviced. This in many regards is the worst case scenario for a property disaster so we urge you to keep being diligent about your personal and fire safety.